Everything is an invitation.
Hi, I'm Margherita.
But many know me by Meg.
Since as long as I can remember my life has been about one thing: to dive into experiences that feel important to me, and emerge on the other side with insights and tools to share with others.
As the daughter of a theologian and psychologist, my dad, and of a end-of-life nurse and educator, my mum, I've always been exposed and drawn to liminal spaces — the intersection between the visible and the invisible.
After a Fine Art degree at the Academy of Brera in Milano and 12 years of career as a volleyball player, I spent the last 10+ years living and traveling across 30+ countries exploring models of growth, impact and system change with local communities, public/private organisations and ancestral traditions.
Living in contact and practicing with ancestral traditions gave me back a language and a set of lenses I know at heart — but I had lost. And while they empower and support me everyday, they also prevent me from seeing the innovation, impact and climate space the way I used to.
Through those lenses I learned that the "reality" and "systems" we are trying to "change" are the result of our reactions to states of pain — multiplied by billions. Through those lenses, I can see how most of the change-making efforts are well intended by just recreate the same story, or worse.
I thought this would lead me away from the impact and change making sector, but paradoxically it brought me somehow closer.
Today I my life and work unfolds between deepening my own practices with these Other Ways of Knowing, and translating their principles into tools to apply on our side of the economy.
I build bridges. Sometimes I am one.
My trajectory of being a Forbes 30under30 and Fortune 40under40 founder and a serial TEDx speaker today translates to working as a speaker, a leadership trainer and a private advisor to leaders and activists that are questioning their relationship to Power and Purpose. I also directly collaborate with indigenous cultures, in particular with the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute founded by the award-winning Ashaninka leader, shaman and activist Benki Piyako.
Thank you for being here!
You can dive into my programs, talks and writing or, if you'd like to explore a collaboration, just reach out.