Purpose is a state of aligned  Power.

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Margherita Pagani
Meg Pagani
Members Public

#010 - The True Anatomy of Purpose

PART 1: your mind won’t serve the task. ~ One of the questions that seem to be shaking this time in history is: what’s real? What feels real? What is truly valuable? What would I stand up for and defend, if threatened? These are not easy questions to sit

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#009 - Theories of Change

Yesterday was the last day of the TED Countdown event, a “conference and global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis”. TED is a big platform, probably one of the main ones when it comes to thought leadership and narratives of change, and there’s one particular

Meg Pagani
Members Public

Power and Purpose: Psychology and Leadership for Social Impact | TEDx San Marino 2021

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#008 - Sharpen, Soften

“What you are seeking is also seeking you. It’s not magic, it’s physics.” I came up with this phrase about a year ago. I was driving home after 10 days of Vipassana, a well-known silence retreat and meditation course, when I heard in a podcast the Rumi quote

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#007 - Your Offering, and Prime Material

Over the last essays we explored the symbol of Gates as moments of transmutation, we shed light on the price we’re asked to pay in order to cross the threshold and we understood that a non-negotiable requirement is to offer our identity. But what do we really mean when

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#006 - The True Cost of Crossing

In the previous newsletter I introduced the concept of the Gate, a topic I feel particularly drawn to and that I chose to focus my summer writing and live sessions on. I see it as a symbol of those moments in life that feel like an invitation to transmute how

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#005 - The Gate

🔥You can listen to the full piece here, or continue reading below. Reading time: 6 minutes.The Gate - The Other Side of Impact | Meg Pagani 0:00/293.0986671× Prospective Immigrants Please Note Either you will go through this door or you will not go through. If you go

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#004 - Naufragare, actively.

There are words and concepts, in the world, that seem to be “universal”. Expressions and metaphors that, somehow, you can find across cultures and contexts apparently very far from one another. I’m a language nerd, which means that – amongst other things – I enjoy finding those words to look closely

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#003 - Let it out, let it show

Over the last few weeks I felt drawn to observe more closely some of the events that are shaking our times, and in particular our behaviours and reactions to them. To my surprise, that brought me back to my Fine Arts years and, in particular, to the practice of photography.

Meg Pagani
Members Public

Scale VS Diffusion: a new model for sustainable development | TEDx Milano 2017

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#002 - Impact, from the cracks.

Have you ever noticed? There’re many social and environmental challenges around the world that we are aware of today, and while we rationally acknowledge all of them as very important we personally resonate more with some, and not so much with others. We all have causes that make us

Meg Pagani
Members Public

#001 - Releasing Resolution

These days, as lights go down, some voices get louder. “If only…” “when finally….” “once I/he/she will, then…” Sometimes, we go through periods characterised by a (more or less conscious) constant tension towards something… else. An allegedly better set of circumstances, a better state — of mind, heart, resources,